Roman Tishkin

Roman Tishkin

marketing director, founder

5 rules for creating a good landing page

0_3.png 23.10.2023

When you need to swiftly sell a product or service and ensure effective online advertising, a landing page—also known as a "squeeze page"—is essential.

A landing page is designed to convey information about your products and services quickly and clearly, compelling visitors to make an immediate purchase or register for an event. While many articles focus on the structure, elements, and buttons required, let's delve into some overlooked aspects that developers often neglect. Here are 5 rules for creating a stellar landing page:

1. Your Landing Page is Your Showroom

Think of your landing page as a showroom and its visitors as customers entering a boutique in a shopping center. What makes a boutique enticing? Neatly displayed goods, attractive prices, knowledgeable yet unobtrusive salespeople, and a pleasant atmosphere. Apply this principle when designing your landing page.

2. Ensure Alignment with Advertisements

Since landing pages are primarily promoted through targeted and contextual advertising, ensure visitors see exactly what they expect. For instance, if an ad promotes a special offer, prominently feature this on the landing page.

3. Design Matters

The structure, compelling content, Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and testimonials should be elegantly presented. Studies show that decisions are often made based on emotional responses, so ensure your design resonates with your target audience's interests and themes. Like a well-designed showroom, your landing page should entice and engage.

4. Keep It Concise and Unobtrusive

Avoid overwhelming visitors with large blocks of text. Opt for structured content, use visual elements, incorporate lists, and break text into digestible sections. Similarly, moderation is key with conversion elements. Excessive call-to-action buttons and forms can detract from effectiveness and create a sense of imposition. Just a few well-placed buttons are sufficient to generate leads.

5. Establish Trust

Trust is pivotal in business success. Consumers prefer purchasing from trusted companies. Even if your business doesn't rely heavily on customer interaction, provide contact details, addresses, and direct phone numbers. Assuring consumers that they can reach you fosters trust and confidence.