Julia Shamova

Julia Shamova


Cafe Promotion Instructions

Монтажная область 322 (5).png 25.10.2023

Promotion of the Georgian Street Food Cafe in Ufa by Our Creative Agency MADSEVEN

Task from the Client

Using social networks to attract the attention of Ufa residents to the opening of a new Georgian street food cafe "Nino and Kote".

Advertising budget: 11,000 rubles Term: 1 month

What Did We Rely On?

In our experience, two components are necessary for the successful launch of new establishments in the city:

Maximize the interest of potential guests even BEFORE the opening – show photos of the hospitable hosts, the interior (the more eye-catching details, the better), and share some stories about the cuisine that will be available. Offer a profitable promotion for customers in honor of the opening. Then, package everything with good texts, publish content, and target it to the "right" people – and success will follow!

What Did We Do and What Did We Work Hard On?

Instagram and Facebook Community Creation and Design: We created and designed engaging community pages. Content Creation and Publishing: High-quality content was developed and shared. Targeted Advertising on Instagram and Facebook: To attract subscribers and guests to the cafe's pages. Promotional Offer Development: Jointly created a special offer for the first guests in honor of the opening and launched it on social networks.

Results in Numbers

First Post: Contest Before Opening Spent: $81.82 Reach: 11,432 Subscribers: 560 I want khachapuri Organic reach of the post (first post in the feed): Organic coverage of the post

Post About the Imminent Opening

Visual: Hospitable hosts and delicious dishes in the interior Spent: $12.23 Reach: 46,886 Subscribers: 407 Hospitable hosts and delicious dishes in the interior This post in the profile feed, without ads, also received organic reach and brought subscribers – thanks to high audience engagement. And this is only the second post in the feed!

Organic coverage of Post 2
Organic coverage of Post 2

Opening Promotion We offered a 50% discount to all guests who made a repost about the opening of the cafe in their stories.

![Nino treats] (/uploads/Nino_ugoshhaet_39c3d882cc.jpg )

Reposts: 2,293 Organic reach of the post: 11,883 Organic subscriptions: 1,021

Organic coverage of Post 3
Organic coverage of Post 3

Advertising Setup Budget: $70.08 Reach (impressions): 9,314

We Are Proud to Share the Results of Our Work!

Total advertising spend in 1 month: 11,500 rubles Total reach: 67,623 people Total subscribers: 2,000

The Most Important Result

We achieved full capacity in the first week after opening and ensured stable traffic for several months ahead. The "Nino and Kote" project was launched in January 2020 and will soon celebrate a year of successful operation.