Julia Shamova

Julia Shamova


What type of website will suit your business?

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Let's figure it out!

I think the preludes to the article are unnecessary — we mean that both you and we have already passed all the stages of accepting how the world of communications with potential clients has been going on in the last couple of years. And you know for sure — yes, your business needs a website.

Today, a website is not something scary and complicated. This is a really cool business tool that works for you 24/7, even when you are sleeping or relaxing at sea. At the same time, a competent website should be adapted to a specific business, have a clear structure, set you apart from competitors, presentably show the offer — otherwise your investments in it will be ineffective.

And in order to understand how complex the site is suitable for your company, let's get acquainted with their main types. As a rule, there are three of them:

  • Landing Page (landing page, landing page, one-page, etc.);
  • corporate website (multi-page website);
  • website catalog and online store.

Let's see how they differ from each other?

Landing Page is a single—page website focused on traffic from contextual or targeted advertising (Yandex.Yandex. Direct, Google Ads, VK advertising, Instagram, etc.). Literally translates as "landing page" — i.e. landing page for traffic. Such a site is usually used if you need to sell 1-5 types of goods (or services).

A multi—page website is a corporate website for companies with a large amount of information. On such a portal, it is convenient to structure data into different sections and pages. It is good as a business card site, plus it works great for the business image.

Online store and website catalog. Many people think that it's the same thing — but it's not! Catalog site is a website with a special section "catalog". There are goods (and their groups) in the form of cards that can be opened and examined, but the goods cannot be put in the basket and paid for. But the online store is all the same, but with the ability to immediately make an online purchase.

The cost of its production depends on the type of site. There are many nuances that affect pricing — about this in this article.