Julia Shamova

Julia Shamova


Food of the Gods: How to make your restaurant loved through instagram?

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Let's talk about our favorite social networks. After all, this topic is inexhaustible and you can always discover something new and very necessary. Let's use a real example to analyze how to promote a restaurant beautifully and effectively using Instagram. I hope this article will be really useful, because it contains a number of personal, proven tips for promoting a premium and mid-price segment restaurant. I want to say right away that the restaurant business is ideal for promotion through social networks: users respond positively to "edible" content, and usually such accounts receive a high CTR (clickability coefficient) and a good conversion in table reservations. Of course, Instagram is the most suitable of all social networks in this case.

Seducing with pictures

Photos should excite the appetite: to depict something very tasty, with a beautiful presentation. Of course, we need images of positions from the menu of the institution, and in no case from photo stocks. Let's start with images: the most important component of a restaurant account is visual. I think this idea is simple, clear and obvious. I will not discover America if I say that his photos should excite the appetite: to depict something very tasty, with a beautiful presentation. Of course, we need images of positions from the menu of the institution, and in no case from photo stocks. Ideally, the shots should be taken by a professional photographer who will be able to convey the charm of the presented dishes and drinks as effectively as possible. The higher the average check in the institution, the stricter this rule should be observed. We do exactly this: we go to the object with our photographer, then we select the best shots, if necessary, we process or add interactive content, we make gifs. In addition to photos of food and drinks, it is advisable from time to time to show the interior, serving and publish photos of the staff of the institution in order to "humanize" the account. Acquaintance with waiters, bartenders, administrators increases the trust of users and customers, forms a more loyal attitude among them. And the regular publication of photos of guests in the interior of the restaurant increases coverage: users search for themselves on the account page, send links to such photos to friends, make reposts and, of course, actively like and comment.

Attract with words

Some claim that users only look at pictures, others – that text is primary now. I will say that a golden mean is needed and equal attention should be paid to both images and what you write under them. Everything should work to attract the user, keep his attention and, ideally, involve him in communication. Needless to say, the creation of texts is something that really requires professionalism and a thoughtful approach. You can, of course, just write: "Our magnificent pasta carbonara costs 400 rubles" or "Our steak is the most delicious." But will this make the visitor of your page want to try it, or at least linger on this post, look at it or leave a comment? Agree, it is difficult to hook the audience with such a banal passage. And the words "delicious", "delicious", "great", including in various superlatives ("the most delicious", "delicious", etc.) not only do not carry any important semantic load, but they are pretty boring. Therefore, the advice is: try to show, describe, highlight your strengths, features, go into (but without fanaticism!) in detail, give your potential customers the opportunity to dream a little, mentally imagine themselves as a visitor to your institution. Use epithets, metaphors, but again, do not get carried away with them too much so that the text is easy to read: "New potatoes fried with honeydew and pickled onions melt in your mouth, and strong tea with wild berries invigorates and warms. Our restaurant is delicious at home and cozy in a family way." Present dishes, convey the atmosphere of the institution and show the entourage of the institution through emotions.

6 basics

In the content strategy of promoting a restaurant on Instagram, it is better to use: video of the cooking process; interior (to show what is interesting, unique); staff photos; photos of visitors, guests of the institution; announcements of promotions, discounts, special offers; contests and interactivity. The main task of such a strategy is for the user to subscribe to your social media account in order to see information about the restaurant, which, of course, becomes his favorite place. :)

Theory in practice

Let's talk about our experience of maintaining an account of the restaurant "Adjikinezhal" in Ufa. We started working on its promotion in mid-January. Of course, targeted advertising was used: first to notify about the opening, then to advertise business lunches. The target was configured according to geo-location: for the nearest houses, business centers. In three months of account management, the number of subscribers has increased to 4,500 people, and without any markups. For clarity, we publish screenshots of statistics, posts and stories, examples of images, texts, with a visual demonstration of the degree of people's involvement. Interactions with publications The cooking process was broadcast in stories, photos of visitors, reposts of guest posts, invitations to a business lunch were published. Instagram Stories Here is a small but important remark. We have already talked about this more than once, but we will repeat it again. It's enough to publish three or four posts a week - you don't need any more, but it's better to post stories daily, at least two a day. Weekly result Booking via direct is good. It gives from 5 applications per day. Booking via direct is good. She gives from 5 applications per day. As a result, a clear portrait of the audience emerges: 72% are women, with a predominance of ages from 25 to 34, and, of course, from Ufa. Account Audience Statistics Below are the results of targeted advertising. Results of Targeted advertising

Recommendations and Conclusions

SMM definitely works. Study your audience It is better to publish content less often, but work on its quality more. Give out content relevant to your business, then you will be able to significantly reduce the number of unsubscriptions or eliminate them altogether. Allocate your budget wisely. Adapt to trends and experiment: everything changes, including SMM – you need to meet modern trends and conditions.