Task We are engaged in the logo development for Sibit IT Company, aiming to create a distinctive brand presence in the tech industry.


High-tech and progressive companies are often conservative in their design choices. However, there are notable exceptions like Sibit. This company approached us to develop an updated logo designed to stand out even alongside global IT giants.

Логотип Sibit

We aimed to create a logo that transcends time, maintaining its relevance for decades. The design is rooted in 'pixel' graphics, to which we've added a modern and dynamic twist. A trendy blue-purple hue serves as the primary color, enhancing the logo's contemporary appeal.

Логотип Sibit
Логотип Sibit

The solidity and continuity of the logo's lines ensure its versatility, making it easy to apply across various surfaces and media formats.

 Логотип Sibit

After several iterations and refinements, the logo received final approval from the company's management. This logo will now represent Sibit and serve as a key component of its corporate identity.

Логотип Sibit
